Premium Superior



WIDTH 7,6 m
  • Year of Launch – 2015
  • Speed (in km/h) – 11,5 M  but to be driven 8,5
  • Number of Crew – 7
  • Main Deck
    • cabin types available: 10 Double/Twin
    • Cabin size (in square metres): 9,5 m2 + toilet
    • Is there a window or a porthole? Does it open? Windows, open
  • Lower Deck
    • Cabin types available: 4 Double, 4 Twin
    • Cabin size (in square metres): 9,5 m2
    • Is there a window or a porthole? Does it open?
    • Portholes, do not open, ventilation


TOTAL NO. OF CABINS 18 guest cabins
ON DECK 10 two bedded cabins + 1 single cabin
BELOW DECK 8 cabins